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  Monday, March 31, 2025
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Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary

The waters of Monterey Bay and the adjacent Pacific Ocean off the central California coast were designated and protected in 1992 as the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary. This vast area stretches 400 miles (348 nautical miles) north to south, extends an average of 35 miles (30 nautical miles) offshore, and covers over 5300 square miles (4,024 square nautical miles). The sanctuary is managed to balance recreational and commercial uses with protection of natural resources, water quality, habitats, and its bountiful resident and migratory marine life. Visitors will find in the southern half a mostly undeveloped shoreline of sand dunes and steep mountainsides. The northern shoreline is similar but is dotted with settlements of small towns and moderate-size cities.Surfing, diving, snorkeling, tidepooling, and camping can be enjoyed by visitors to Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary.

Central California coast

shark shark