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  Sunday, February 23, 2025
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Minidoka Internment National Monument

As the 385th unit of the National Park System, Minidoka Internment National Monument was newly authorized on January 17, 2001, and does not have any visitor facilities or services available. The National Park Service began a three-year public planning process in the fall of 2002 to develop a General Management Plan (GMP) and Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). The General Management Plan will set forth the basic management philosophy for the Monument and will provide the strategies for addressing issues and achieving identified management objectives that will guide management of the site for the next 15 - 20 years. Please click on the in-DEPTH icon at right for additional information about the GMP/EIS process and how to provide comments.

Plane - Magic Valley Regional Airport in Twin Falls, Idaho

Boise, Idaho Airport

Sun Valley, Idaho Airport

Car - Located 17 miles Northeast of Twin Falls, Idaho and 21 miles East of Jerome, Idaho. From the intersection of Interstate 84 (I-84) and US Highway 93 (US-93)...

Travel North on US-93 for 5 miles to the Eden Exit. Travel East on highway 25 for 9.5 miles to the Hunt Road exit. Travel North on Hunt Road for 2.2 miles. The parking lot is located on the right side of the road.

Bus - No services available.

Public Transportation - No services available.