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  Sunday, February 23, 2025
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Medicine Lake WMD

The Medicine Lake Wetland Management District (WMD)is located in the extreme northeastern corner of Montana. The area was entirely glaciated and is part of the prairie pothole region. The WMD lies in the transition zone between the mixed and short grass prairie. Over 80% of Montana's Threatened piping plovers nest adjacent to alkali lakes in the WMD. Waterfowl production rates are among the highest in the prairie pothole region. Privately owned wetland acres are protected from drainage, burning, leveling and filling by perpetual wetland easements. Perpetual grassland easements are also being acquired throughout the district which prohibits the landowner from "breaking" the native prairie. The WMD has an active 'Partners for Wildlife' program which encourages landowners to implement wildlife habitat projects compatible with their farming and ranching operations.

Medicine Lake Wetland Management District is comprised of 44 separate units in a three county area of northeastern Montana near the North Dakota border. The WMD is managed out of the Medicine Lake NWR headquarters. From Culbertson, Montana on Highway 2 drive north on Highway 16. Twenty-four miles north of Culbertson, and one mile south of the town of Medicine Lake on Highway 16, is the refuge. One mile from the south boundary of the refuge is a gravel road leading east with a green highway sign indicating the refuge headquarters. Take a right turn off Highway 16 onto graveled North Shore Road. Two and one half miles east on North Shore Road is the refuge headquarters.

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