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  Monday, March 31, 2025
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Lake Woodruff National Wildlife Refuge

Lake Woodruff National Wildlife Refuge Lake Woodruff NWR was established in 1964 to provide habitat for migrating and wintering birds. The refuge contains 21,574 acres of freshwater marshes, 5,800 acres of Cypress and mixed hardwood swamps, 2,400 acres of uplands, and more than 1,000 acres of lakes, streams, and canals. The bilogical diversity of the wetlands provides nesting, overwintering and stopover habitat during migration for neotropical songbirds, migratory waterfowl, shorebirds, wading birds and raptors (215 bird species have been counted).

Lake Woodruff NWR is located 25 miles west of Daytona Beach, Florida, and 7 miles north of DeLand on U.S. Highway 17 near the community of DeLeon Springs, FL. From Highway 17 in DeLeon Springs, turn west and go one block to Grand Avenue. Turn south on Grand and go approximately 3 blocks to Mud Lake Road. Refuge directional signs are prominently displayed on both U.S. 17 and Grand Ave. to direct the way to the refuge and headquarters office.

bird watching bird watching