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  Monday, March 31, 2025
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Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge

Today, Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge covers two thirds of Kodiak Island, all of Ban Island, and part of Afognak Island, and includes 1,932,953 acres, all of it accessible only by float plane or boat. Spruce forests dominate the northern part of Kodiak Island and the Afognak portion of the refuge, while southeastern Kodiak is covered with lush, grassy hummocks. There is no spot on refuge lands that is more than 15 miles from the ocean. The refuge is home to many of the archipelago's approximately 3000 brown bears, and at least 600 pairs of bald eagles. Some 237 species of birds live upon or visit the refuge, while more than 1.5 million seabirds overwinter in the nearshore waters surrounding Kodiak Island. The refuge also provides spawning and rearing habitat for all five North American species of Pacific salmon. In fact, salmon spawned on the refuge make up approximately 65% of the total commercial harvest in the Kodiak Archipelago.

Kodiak Island is accessible by either commercial airlines or the Alaska marine ferry system. From the Kodiak State Airport turn right on Rezonof Dr. and go approximately 1/2 mile, turn right on the signed Buskin River Rd., go 100 yards and turn left into the refuge visitor center parking lot. From the Kodiak City Ferry Terminal, turn left on Marine Way and go to the flashing stop light. Turn left at the light onto Rezonof Dr. and go approximately 4 miles to the Buskin River Rd. Turn left and follow the signs to the refuge visitor center.