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  Monday, March 31, 2025
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Karl E. Mundt National Wildlife Refuge

The Lake Andes National Wildlife Refuge Complex consists of Lake Andes and Karl E. Mundt National Wildlife Refuges (NWR) and Lake Andes Wetland Management District (WMD). The Complex headquarters is located on the east side of Lake Andes.

The Lake Andes NWR Complex headquarters is located on the east shore of Lake Andes. From Ravinia, South Dakota, travel 2 miles north on the county gravel road and 1.5 east to reach the Refuge headquarters. From the community of Lake Andes, travel north .5 mile then east 3.5 miles on a hard-surfaced county road, crossing the Lake from west to east before reaching the office and visitor center nestled under the cottonwoods.

Fish and Wildlife Service Fish and Wildlife Service