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  Sunday, February 23, 2025
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Green Springs

Located on 14,000 acres, Green Springs National Historic Landmark District is located on the western piedmont of central Virginia. It is a natural basin caused by erosion of a volcanic intrusion resulting in particularly fertile soil, which has sustained grassland farming for over 270 years. On this land, man has built homes and dependencies which represent a continuum of rural Virginia vernacular architecture, respectful of location and scene, preserved virtually unaltered in its original context, where the land has been enhanced rather than despoiled by the presence of man.

Plane - The nearest airport is Charlottesville, 25 miles away.

Car - The district is located 1.5 miles north of I-64, on U.S. 15 from exit No. 136, Zion Crossroads. The district is roughly bounded by U.S. 15, VA 22 and VA 613.

Public Transportation - No public transportation.