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  Monday, March 31, 2025
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Great River National Wildlife Refuge

The Great River National Wildlife Refuge protects approximately 11,600 acres along 120 miles of the Mississippi River, stretching north of St. Louis, Missouri. Three separate units are located in the floodplain, on both the Illinois and Missouri sides of the river. The Clarence Cannon National Wildlife Refuge is also under the administration of the Great River Refuge. Great River Refuge, in turn, is part of the Mark Twain National Wildlife Refuge complex.

The headquarters for the Great River Refuge is located on the Clarence Cannon Refuge. From St. Louis, take I-70 west and take exit Highway 79 north. Take 79 north approximately 35 miles to the town of Annada. Turn right on County Road 206 and proceed one mile to the refuge office.

Fish and Wildlife Service Fish and Wildlife Service