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Grand Portage National Monument

On a hot sultry day in mid July 1802, partners of the most successful fur trade company in North America, the North West Company, met in their majestic Great Hall at Grand Portage and voted to move their summer headquarters from the protected shores of Lake Superior?s Grand Portage Bay fifty miles north to the mouth of the Kaministquia River. Almost from the time the vigorous Scotsmen of the North West had organized at Grand Portage in the mid 1780?s an emerging United States had wanted them out. The July vote would mean that eighteen buildings constructed from native squared spruce, pine and birch and over 2,000 cedar pickets surrounding them would be torn down, transported north in company schooners and used in constructing the new Fort William far from U.S. soil.

Plane - Minneapolis-Saint Paul International airport is a major U. S. hub for passengers flying to the Midwest. Connecting flights can be accessed from Minneapolis to Duluth, Minnesota or Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada. To reach Grand Portage, Minnesota, private ground transportation is recommmended either by private or rental vehicle.

Car - The monument is located in northeastern Minnesota?s ?Tip of the Arrowhead? within Grand Portage Indian Reservation Cook County, Minnesota. Grand Portage National Monument is about 150 miles northeast of Duluth, Minnesota and 50 miles southwest of Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada along the beautiful north shore of Lake Superior. The historic site is * to 1 mile south of the west and east exits from Minnesota State Highway 61 in the village of Grand Portage.

The monument address is: P.O. Box 426, 211 Mile Creek Road, Grand Portage, Minnesota 55605

Bus - Bus transportation is available from the cities of Duluth, Minnesota and Thunder Bay, Ontario, Cana