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  Sunday, February 23, 2025
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Garden Park Fossil Area

Fossils of well-known species of large dinosaurs have been discovered at this site over the last 120 years. Many of the dinosaur fossils discovered at this site are on exhibit at museums around the country, including the Denver Museum of Natural History, and the Smithsonian Institution's Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C. Fossils of two-legged, plant-eating dinosaurs, dinosaur eggs, and dinosaur tracks have also been discovered in the Garden Park Fossil Area. In addition to dinosaur bones, Garden Park contains 2 significant, rare plant species, Brandegee wild buckwheat and inch milkweed. Plans are in place to build a world-class paleoenvironmental museum here in the year 2000; activities will include interpretation of present-day native plants as well as those that are part of the fossil record. Garden Park is a BLM Area of Critical Environmental Concern, a Colorado Research Natural Area, and a National Natural Landmark.

From Canon City, go about 6 miles north on Shelf Road. This is part of the Gold Belt Back Country Scenic Byway. There are 2 small pull-outs with marked interpretive signs.