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  Sunday, February 23, 2025
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Fredericksburg & Spotsylvania National Military Park

Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Wilderness, and Spotsylvania?this is the bloodiest landscape in North America. No place more vividly reflects the Civil War?s tragic cost, in all its forms. A city bombarded, bloodied, and looted. Farms large and small ruined. Refugees by the thousands forced to the countryside. More than 85,000 men wounded; 15,000 killed?most now in graves unknown. The fading scars of battle, the homeplaces of bygone families, and the granite tributes to those who fought still mark these lands. These places reveal the trials of a community and nation at war?a roiling cataclysm, a virtuous tragedy that freed four million Americans and reunited a nation. Please click on "In Depth" for information on visiting the park and park programs as well as detailed information on the battles and soldiers who fought in the battles.

Plane - The neartest airports are Washington-Dulles, Washington-National and Richmond.

Car - Fredericksburg is located 50 miles south of Washington and 50 miles north of Richmond. The park contains numerous areas on both sides of I-95 in the Fredericksburg area.

Public Transportation - Fredericksburg is served by Amtrak train service and by commuter rail service from Washington.