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  Monday, March 31, 2025
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Fagatele Bay National Marine Sanctuary

Fagatele Bay is a vibrant tropical reef marine ecosystem, filled with all sorts of brightly-colored tropical fish including parrot fish, damselfish and butterfly fish, as well as other sea creatures like lobster, crabs, sharks and octopus. From June to September, Southern humpback whales migrate north from Antarctica to calve and court in Samoan waters. Visitors can hear courting males sing whalesongs, which the whales may be using to attract mates. Several species of dolphin, as well as threatened and endangered species of sea turtles, such as the hawksbill and green sea turtle are frequently seen swimming in the bay as well.Recreational activities such as diving, snorkeling, and fishing can be enjoyed at Fagatele Bay National Marine Sanctuary.

American Samoa is located over 4150 miles southwest of San Fransisco. Once on the island of Tutuila (American Samoa), the two most common ways to access the sanctuary are by boat or foot. The small beachead on Fagatele Bay's eastern shore is the only accessible point into the bay from the landward side of the island.

Fagatele Bay from the air Fagatele Bay from the air