Elizabeth A. Morton NWRHabitats at the refuge include bay, brackish pond, impoundment, kettle holes, tidal flats, saltmarsh, freshwater marsh, upland shrub, grasslands, maritime oak forest, red cedar stands, and pioneer hardwoods. The strand habitats attract many beach using species including nesting piping plovers, roseate terns, least terns, common terns, harbor seals, and numerous shorebird species. The waters surrounding the refuge are considered critical habitat for juvenile Kemp's Ridley seaturtles and are also used by loggerhead sea turtles. Waterfowl use of the refuge is most heavy during the colder months, the most common being oldsquaw, white winged scoter, goldeneye and black ducks. The north/south axis of the peninsula also makes it serve as important habitat for migratory birds including shorebirds, raptors and songbirds. ![]() |
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