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  Monday, March 31, 2025
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Dworshak National Fish Hatchery

Dworshak National Fish Hatchery is located at the confluence of the North Fork and mainstem Clearwater River, 3 miles west of Orofino, Idaho. The hatchery was built to mitigate for the loss of steelhead trout in the North Fork of the Clearwater River and its tributaries as a results of the construction of Dworshak Dam.Visitors are welcome from 7:30a.m. until 4:00p.m. daily. Please call in advance for information about group tours and dates of hatchery activities.

To visit the hatchery, turn off State Highway 12 at the Orofino bridge and continue one block north. Turn left and follow State Highway 7 about 3 miles to the hatchery.

fish at Dworshak hatchery fish at Dworshak hatchery