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Dworshak Dam & Reservoir

Dworshak Reservoir, found in central Idaho along the North Fork of the Clearwater River, is located in scenic forested and mountainous country. Popular activities include swimming, boating, fishing, hunting, water skiing, camping, hiking and lots more. Boat-in semi-primitive camps allow for solitude or spend time relaxing at full service campgrounds. At a height of 717 feet, the Dam is the highest straight-axis gravity dam in North America, as well as one of the most dramatic in appearance. The 183 miles of shoreline frame the deep, clear lake that makes Dworshak a favorite for recreationists. Dworshak State Park is also found along the Lake at Freeman Creek, Three Meadows, and Big Eddy. The Dworshak National Fish Hatchery is the largest steelhead trout hatchery in the world. Lewis and Clark camped near here while they rested from their trip over the Bitterroot Range and built canoes for their trip on to the Pacific Ocean. The nearby historic town of Orofino offers accommodations and amenities. Scenic Highway 12 provides a pleasant drive offering fabulous vistas of the great outdoors.

(To Visitor Center) 5 miles west of Orofino, Idaho on Highway 7 to project entrance, and follow signs 2 miles. Visitor Center is adjacent to north dam abutment.

Dworshak Reservoir Dworshak Reservoir