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  Sunday, February 23, 2025
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Clark Canyon Reservoir

Clark Canyon Dam and Barretts Diversion Dam are features of the East Bench Unit of the Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin Program. Recreation on Clark Canyon Reservoir and Barrett's Diversion Dam, located on the Beaverhead River south of Dillon, Montana, is managed by the Bureau of Reclamation. Clark Canyon Reservoir is the site of Camp Fortunate, one of the more significant spots along the Lewis and Clark Trail. It was at Camp Fortunate that the Lewis and Clark expedition met the Lemhi Shoshoni Tribe, and cached their canoes and a stash of supplies for the return trip. Sacagawea was reunited with her people here. The Camp Fortunate Overlook presents information about the Lewis and Clark campsite and about their journey. This reservoir, with 4,935 surface acres and 17 miles of shoreline, offers good fishing for rainbow and brown trout. Concrete boat ramps, picnic shelters, marina are available. There are 9 campgrounds, including on RV-only lot, for a total of 96 campsites. The Cattail Marsh nature trail offers wildlife watching opportunities for seasonal waterfowl. Current Reservoir levels.

Take I-15 south 11 miles from Dillon to Reservoir. Most campgrounds are on MT secondary route 324.

Clark Canyon Reservoir Clark Canyon Reservoir