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Cedar Point National Wildlife Refuge

Cedar Point National Wildlife Refuge was donated to the Fish and Wildlife Service in 1964 by the owners of the Cedar Point Shooting Club. Currently, the refuge consists of 2,445 acres of marsh, divided into three pools. The largest pool, almost 2,000 acres, is the largest contiguous marsh in Ohio's Lake Erie marshes. Most of the refuge is closed to the public, however, a fishing area is open from June - August. The marshes of this refuge are home to large numbers of waterfowl and wading birds. A bald eagle nest is located where the grand lodge of the Cedar Point Shooting Club once stood.

To reach the fishing access, turn north on Yondota Road off of State Route 2. Yondota Road is located three miles east of the Oregon city limits or 9 miles east of I-280. Travel 2 miles north from St. Rt. 2 on Yondota. The fishing access is at the end of an approximately 1/2-mile entrance road that turns to the left off of Yondota road.

Migratory Duck Migratory Duck