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  Monday, March 31, 2025
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Browns Park National Wildlife Refuge

Browns Park National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) was established in 1963 to provide habitat for migratory birds and to provide for suitable wildlife-dependent recreation. The Green River runs through the heart of the 13,455-acre Refuge, providing the life blood for the wetlands and cottonwood forests.

Browns Park NWR is extremely remote, 92 miles away from the nearest town with services. Be sure to bring extra water, food, and clothes. Cell phone coverage is not reliable away from town. Check your spare tire for proper air pressure.

From Craig, Colorado, travel west on Highway 40 to the town of Maybell. About * mile to the west of Maybell, turn west onto Highway 318. The Refuge visitor contact station and office are about 63 miles from Maybell.

From Rock Springs, Wyoming, travel south on Highway 430. It is about 56 miles on pavement to the Colorado state line, where the road turns to an improved, all-weather dirt road (County Road 10). Travel about 22 miles on County Road 10 until you reach pavement (Highway 318). Turn west on Highway 318 and travel about 20 miles to the Refuge's visitor contact station and office.

Black Footed Ferret Black Footed Ferret