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Bennington Lake - Mill Creek

Bennington Lake is located in southeastern Washington minutes from historic downtown Walla Walla, Washington's oldest city. Enjoy beautiful views of the northern Blue Mountains and the open space surrounding the Lake. Bennington Lake, while small, offers plenty of fun, safe, and relaxing times. Fishing, hunting, horseback riding, day hiking, and wildlife viewing are some of the popular recreation opportunities available. Walk, roller blade, or ride a bicycle on the paved path along Mill Creek or have a picnic at Rooks Park. Tour local wineries and taste the world famous Walla Walla Sweet Onions (summers only). Take a short trip to the Whitman Mission National Historic Site and Interpretive Center just west of Walla Walla along Highway 12. There are no camping facilities at Bennington Lake. Gasoline powered motors are not allowed on the lake. Walla Walla provides many amenities with interesting features and cultural activities to enjoy.

Immediately east of Walla Walla, Washington. From Highway 12 follow the sign directions pointing the way to Bennington Lake.

Mill Creek - Bennington Lake Mill Creek - Bennington Lake