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  Monday, March 31, 2025
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Assabet River National Wildlife Refuge

Assabet River NWR, formerly referred to as the U.S. Army's Fort Devens Sudbury Training Annex, is a 2,230-acre parcel of land located approximately 25 miles west of Boston, and 4 miles west of the Eastern Massachusetts NWR Complex Headquarters. It is located in portions of the Towns of Hudson, Maynard, Stow and Sudbury and covers approximately 3.5 square miles. The Assabet River NWR consists of two separate pieces of land. The larger northern section is just north of Hudson Road. The southern section is located to the south of Hudson Road. The refuge is comprised of a diverse mixture of pine/hardwood forest, old field, and wetland habitats.

The Assabet River NWR is not yet open for public use. Currently, limited interpretive and educational programs are presented by both refuge staff and members of the Friends of the Assabet River NWR. If you are interested in these programs, please call the Eastern Massachusetts NWR Complex for additional information (978-443-4661). The Complex Headquarters and Visitor Center is located in Sudbury, Massachusetts, and is open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. To reach the office and visitor center at Weir Hill, follow Route 27 (1.7 miles) from Wayland and turn right onto Water Row Road. Follow Water Row Road (1.2 miles) until it ends and turn right onto Lincoln Road. Travel one half mile, turn left onto Weir Hill Road and follow to the end.

Fish and Wildlife Service Fish and Wildlife Service