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Agassiz National Wildlife Refuge

Agassiz National Wildlife Refuge is located in northwest Minnesota. Packs of wolves, moose, waterfowl, and 280 species of birds make this refuge a wildlife wonderland. The refuge, originally named Mud Lake Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, was established in 1937 primarily for waterfowl production and maintenance. Located in eastern Marshall County, the contiguous 61,500 acres are situated in the aspen parkland region of northwest Minnesota. This area is a transition zone, where coniferous forests, tallgrass prairie, and the prairie pothole region of the Red River Valley meet. The refuge lies in the bed of glacial Lake Agassiz, resulting in a very flat terrain, and is dominated by expansive wetlands.

The refuge headquarters is located on Marshall County Road 7. From Thief River Falls, Minnesota, take Highway 32 North for 12 miles to the town of Holt. At Holt, turn east onto Marshall County Road 7 for 11 miles. The refuge headquarters is located on the left (north) side of the road.